by DJ Coffman | Sep 15, 2010 | Cash For Cartoonists, ebooks, Testimonials
Another coaching/ebook testimonial. Keep an eye on Mark Ashworth too, he’s got some really great projects coming up! “You can’t copy one-on-one coaching and advice! There were several obtuse questions I wasn’t getting answers for, either from...
by DJ Coffman | Sep 14, 2010 | Cash For Cartoonists, ebooks, Testimonials
I’ve decided to start organizing some of the testimonials from buyers of the Cash for Cartoonists ebook+coaching product. This one comes in from comic creator Scott Story who has been around the webcomic and independent comics scene for years. I’ve known D.J....
by DJ Coffman | Aug 30, 2010 | Before Coffee, Cash For Cartoonists, ebooks, Inspirations
One of the biggest things I’ve learned to do over the past year is to take criticism, even the harsh kind, and transmute it into constructive criticism to make a product or service even better. It’s been the less than a week since I pulled the trigger...