COMIC ART FILM TRANSFER – NY-20120229-0010… Stock Footage & Video Clips | NBCUniversal Archives
Stock Video Footage – NY-20120229-0010 COMIC ART FILM TRANSFER
(0253AA0905) 02:59:51 – 03:03:12 DigiBeta & BSP: NY-20120229-0010 0413464 CS (03:00:08) RT: (1:32) WR 10-22-74 Marvel Comics Celebration; A celebration of the Publishing of a new book, The History of Marvel Comics. At a bookstore in Manhattan.
C/S: Various shots of children putting their head through holes in stand up models of comic strip characters for pictures and Spiderman signing autographs are seen. One writer says that rider comics are popular because the characters have fears and foibles like anyone else. 2395BURB [COMICS] CS (03:02:00) RT: (1:07) WR 10-3-76 COMIC ARTIST (11 PM) PEOPLE WAIT ON LINE TO HAVE COMIC BOOK AUTOGRAPHED NY-20120229-0010 COMIC ART – FILM TRANSFER Marvel Comics Celebration DigiBeta & BSP: NY-20120229-0010 CS (03:00:08) RT: (1:32) WR 10-22-74 Marvel Comics Celebration A celebration of the Publishing of a new book, The History of Marvel Comics. At a bookstore in Manhattan.
C/S: Various shots of children putting their head through holes in stand up models of comic strip characters for pictures and Spiderman signing autographs are seen. One writer says that rider comics are popular because the characters have fears and foibles like anyone else.
Film: 16mm, color, rev. with mat stripe
Footage: 80 ft Burbank Film NJS Shelf: 1W000390 BURBANK FILM NJS Shelf: 1W000390 DigiBeta & BSP: NY-20120229-0010 [COMICS] CS (03:02:00) RT: (1:07) WR 10-3-76 COMIC ARTIST (11 PM)
76J5220: SKI TOWERS 10-4-1976 890 ft See story below.
SW-001: LA PAZ AFTERMATH 10-4-1976 1 roll: pix – approx 75 ft (no core) See story below.
KNBC CUT STORIES: LA PAZ AFTERMATH (NN) 10-4-1976 210 ft cs pix/trks No info available. LA PAZ RELIEF 10-4-1976 CS: 55 ft, fc trk (no core) Lt. Governor Mervyn Dymally returns to Van Nuys to report on his work as President Ford’s personal emissary.
Note: The following material is NOT on cores: LA PAZ 10-4-1976 2 rolls: 1 cs pix, 1 fc trk Frank Cruz reports from La Paz, in Baja California Sur, with Network troops, on the hurricane disaster story. SKI TOWERS 10-4-1976 2 rolls: 1 cs pix, 1 fc trk John Marshall visits the Wrightwood Ski Area for story about a resort employing a helicopter to construct ski lift towers. The location is the Big Pines Lodge of the Mountain High Ski Resorts. SKI TOWERS (11 PM) 10-4-1976 2 rolls: 1 cs pix, 1 fc trk See above. MICRO ALERT 10-4-1976 2 rolls: 1 cs pix, 1 fc trk Furnell Chatman is in North Hollywood for a story on tiny electronic alerting devices which set off pre-programmed distress calls to doctors, fire, police, etc. It’s so small, it’s worn around the neck and is already being prescribed for persons with bad hearts. MICRO ALERT (5 PM) 10-4-1976 2 rolls: 1 cs pix, 1 fc trk See above. ANIMAL BLESSING 10-2-1976 2 rolls: 1 cs pix, 1 fc trk No info available. MANNY MOTA 10-2-1976 2 rolls: 1 cs pix, 1 fc trk Today is Manny Mota Day at Dodger Stadium today with ceremonies for the popular Dodger. Mayor Bradley will be present, as will Mota’s family, etc. Boyd Matson covers. MOTA – TEASE 10-2-1976 1 rolls: cs pix FARMWORKERS 10-2-1976 2 rolls: 1 cs pix, 1 fc trk With an injunction prohibiting this just lifted, farm workers, hundreds of them, will be in the Los Angeles area to push Proposition 14 and to register voters. One place that kicked them out, but now can’t, is the Fazio’s Market at the Stonewood Center in Downey. Includes footage of Proposition 14 leafleteers at Sears in Laurel Plaza in Laurel Canyon and at Victory Boulevard in North Hollywood. FARMWORKERS – TEASE 10-2-1976 1 rolls: cs pix DigiBeta & BSP: NY-20120229-0010 [COMICS] CS (03:02:00) RT: (1:07) WR 10-3-76 COMIC ARTIST (11 PM) COMIC ARTIST (11 PM) 10-3-1976 2 rolls: 1 cs pix, 1 fc trk Furnell Chatman is at a North Hollywood comic book shop which is throwing a reception for noted comic book artist Jack Kirby. Kirby created"Captain America" in 1940 and it’s still going strong, in addition to others. Chatman will ask Kirby how American humor has changed, and he’ll show how some of the drawings have changed over the years.
(Unscreened film. Info from Burbank Story Plans.) from NBCUniversal Archives