by DJ Coffman | Apr 21, 2012 | Before Coffee, Hero By Night, Inspirations, Webcomics
I can’t remember the last time I’ve felt this hopeful and excited for the future of comics. For quite a while doom and gloom has been written on many walls, from the syndicated comic industry, the comic book industry, as sales and distribution of print has...
by DJ Coffman | Apr 19, 2012 | video
Inspired by what Mark Waid and his gang are doing with Thrillbent and Marvel Infinite comics. Very exciting time to rethink the future of sequential art. Head over to the forums to join the conversation.
by DJ Coffman | Aug 6, 2010 | Hero By Night, Uncategorized, Webcomics
I think I’ve experienced one of the most humbling feelings as a comic creator. Last week I was reading through Rich Johnston’s Bleeding Cool site and stumbled across this article about “Real Life Superheroes”. It features produced images of the...