I’ve written an ebook for Cartoonists and Illustrators to help them earn more money with their skills. While I’ve written plenty of blogs and news articles in the past on this subject, this is the first time I’ve put everything I know neatly packaged into one place. You can check out the sale page for the full pitch.
I’m really proud of this project because I know it’s going to cause a bunch of AH-HA moments in artists minds. While the target market here is comic artists and cartoonists I really feel like publishers and creative teams can learn a lot from it as well, and put them in the right mindset for monetizing their content.
I’ve been humbled to hear from other professionals who have read the ebook and are ecstatic about it.
If you are a cartoonist or illustrator, OR if you know a cartoonist or illustrator, I greatly encourage you to check out “CASH FOR CARTOONISTS: 15 methods to make more money with your comics and illustrations online.”
Have you considered using a service like lulu to provide hardcopy editions as well? Many of the publications in my field are using this approach successfully. And believe me, writing/selling tech manuals never used to be a profitable business.