The launch of CASH FOR CARTOONISTS is going better than I had expected. I’ve already begun some coaching/consulting work with a few clients, and the feedback for those who have read the product has been really great. I’m excited to see and hear about the results from those on the list.

For the few cartoonists I know of who have balked at the price, ($47 through September) I’d like to clarify that this is more than just an ebook, it also includes one-on-one career coaching with me AND membership to a special list where I’ll be publishing more articles and methods in the future. In essence, you could think of it like a one time membership fee. You won’t find the material and marketing strategies in the ebook anywhere else. I may not have been clear about the ebook+coaching+list deal on  my sales page.

Also I’d like to clarify that I don’t think this material is for beginners. I don’t want beginners to buy this. Although I do think it would be helpful for them, if someone isn’t confident in their own work or especially if they can’t afford $47, I think they have other things to be worrying about, primarily paying bills and making their work better and more marketable.

This ebook is about how to EARN MORE MONEY than you already are making with your comics and illustration, period. That’s my primary focus, just as it was when I wrote my blog in 2005 that did the same thing for many cartoonists.

During the month of September the ebook+coaching package is available for $47 and then the price is going up.  You can buy it now, or check out the sales page for more details.

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