by DJ Coffman | Jun 9, 2016 | Cash For Cartoonists, More Cash For Cartoonists
Today I’m talking about “Digital Caricatures”. It’s topic #2 in my old ebook, Cash For Cartoonists. If you don’t have a copy, you can grab one at the link. It’s my belief that learning to “caricature” well is probably...
by DJ Coffman | Jun 4, 2016 | Cash For Cartoonists, More Cash For Cartoonists
Today I’m going to revisit the topic of making money with “Spot Illustration”, how much to charge, where this type of work can be found or how it may even go about finding you. I suggest downloading a copy of the original ebook over yonder to...
by DJ Coffman | Jun 3, 2016 | Cash For Cartoonists, DJC, More Cash For Cartoonists
In an effort to get back into regular blogging again, I’ve decided to do a series over the summer revisiting the topic of helping cartoonists artists make more money with their work. Going on six years ago now, I put just about everything I know into an...
by DJ Coffman | Jun 23, 2015 | DJC, ebooks
This is my project for the Gumroad Small Product Lab challenge, wherein you produce and launch a product in just 10 days! It launches on Wednesday June 24th but can be pre-ordered now at Like the graphic says, it includes my...
by DJ Coffman | Nov 4, 2011 | Before Coffee, Cash For Cartoonists, ebooks
(the following is a snippit from my recent e-mail to the “AWESOME LIST” which is for Coaching Clients of “Cash For Cartoonists” If you’d like to get on the Awesome List see the directions after article!) For those that are pressed for...
by DJ Coffman | Jan 30, 2011 | Before Coffee, Cash For Cartoonists, Inspirations, Webcomics
I started a new side webcomic called FANS N’at, which centers around Steelers Football from a fan’s perspective. Even though I’m pretty busy with other projects, I decided to practice what I preach to other cartoonists about “niche...